62nd Annual Show
December 27 - December 30
Saturday, December 21 – SHOW SET-UP
9 AM Exhibitors, Exhibitor Families, and BCJLS Board Members prepare the grounds for the Show.
6 to 9 AM Steer & Breeding Beef move-in
9 to 9:30 AM Market Steer weigh-in
9 to 11 AM Artwork, Crafts, Gardening & Horticulture, and Sewing check-in at Martinez SC
10 AM Breeding Beef Show
Breeding Beef showmanship contest to follow Breeding Beef show (open to all)
Market Steer Show to follow the Breeding Beef showmanship contest
Market Steer showmanship contest to follow Market Steer show (open to all)
Saturday, December 28 – SHEEP & GOATS, and FOOD
6 to 7:30 AM Sheep and Goats move-in
8 to 9:30 AM Food division of Creative Arts check-in at Martinez SC
8:30 AM Market Sheep & Goat weigh cards due
10 AM Lamb Showmanship contest (open to all)
Market Sheep Show to follow Lamb Showmanship
Market Goat Showmanship contest to follow Market Sheep Show (open to all)
Market Goat Show to follow Market Goat Showmanship
Breeding Goat Show to follow Market Goat show
2 to 4 PM Creative Arts projects on public display at Martinez SC, awards (including photography)
4 to 5 PM Pick-up Food projects from Martinez Hall. May NOT pick up earlier.
10 AM Gates Open
11 AM to 12:30 PM Market Rabbit check-in, sift, and pre-judge
Breeding Rabbit check-in follow Market Rabbit check-in
Rabbit Show begins ASAP after check-in
Breeding Rabbit Show to follow Market Rabbits
12 PM Ag mech projects must be in place
12 PM Poultry check-in begins with Broilers. Turkeys to follow.
Poultry Show begins with Broilers ASAP after check-in. Poultry check-in closes once Show starts.
12 to 1 PM Ag Mech & Torch Cutting check-in
1:00 PM Ag Mech Show starts
Torch Cutting Contest follows start of Ag Mech Show
Swine Show set-up to follow Poultry Show. Exhibitors and families encouraged to attend.
Monday, December 30 – SWINE
6 to 8:30 AM Breeding & Market Swine move-in
8 to 8:30 AM Check-in Breeding Swine, bring breeding swine supplemental entry form
8:30 AM Market Swine weigh cards due
9:30 AM Breeding Swine Show (Berkshire, Chester White, Duroc, Hampshire, Landrace, Poland
China, Spotted Poland China, & Yorkshire)
Market Swine Show to follow Breeding Show (Berkshire, Duroc, Hampshire, Black OPB, White OPB,
Yorkshire, Crosses)
Swine Showmanship contests are by call-back only.
Tuesday, December 31 – SHOW CLEAN-UP
9 AM to 1 PM Exhibitors, Exhibitor Families, and BCJLS Board Members clean-up and tear down at
the BCJLS Grounds. Thank you!